Читать книгу Разговорный английский по уровням. Уровень B2 онлайн

I love to dance (вообще, как хобби или деятельность).love + инфинитив

Сочетание герундия и инфинитива.

Сочетание герундия и инфинитива в одном предложении может использоваться для выражения последовательности действий, причинно-следственных отношений или для подчеркивания разницы между двумя действиями.

She enjoys reading and writing.readingwriting

He promised to help and to support us.to helpto supportpromised

She stopped to rest before continuing her journey.to restcontinuing

I like swimming, but I prefer to surf.swimmingto surf

Глава 3. Придаточные предложения цели и противопоставления.

Придаточные предложения цели – Purpose Clauses.

why?so that, in order that, in order to, so as to, in case, for

in order toso as toto + infinitive

She studies hard in order to get a scholarship.

He saved money in order to buy a new car.

He wore a coat so as to stay warm in the cold weather.

He exercises regularly so as to stay healthy.

She went to the store to buy some milk.

He reads books to improve his English.

so that

They whispered so that no one overheard their conversation.

He wore sunglasses so that his eyes were protected from the sun.

She is studying hard so that she can pass the exam.

They saved money so that they could buy a new house.

in order thatcan, could, may, might, will, would

She saved money in order that her children could go to college.

They left early in order that they might reach the destination before dark.

She wrote down the instructions in order that he could follow them easily.

He explained the procedure clearly in order that everyone would understand what to do.

in case

We should take some extra water in case we get thirsty during the hike.

I’ll write down the address in case you forget it.

Bring your ID in case they ask for identification at the entrance.

He took his phone charger in case his battery dies.

I always keep some cash at home in case of an emergency.


He went to the store for some milk.

She is studying for her exams.

They stopped for a break.