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Surrounded by maidens adorned in hues of red and white, Damayanti resembled an everblooming flower nestled amidst a heavenly orchard. Jasmine blossoms adorned her hair, and a gentle smile graced her lips. The perfect harmony of these elements captivated the love-stricken prince, compelling him to suppress his ardent passion and contain the overwhelming love that surged within him. Yet, with each passing moment, his love flourished, multiplying a thousandfold. The mere sight of his beloved, his one and only Queen, brought him an unparalleled joy. Ultimately, love triumphed, and the prince yearned to reveal himself, desiring to be seen by Damayanti.

As Prince Nal appeared before the surprised maidens, their eyes widened in awe, captivated by his striking presence. Meanwhile, Damayanti turned around, her gaze meeting his in an instant. In that profound connection, a peculiar sensation stirred within her. Goosebumps danced along her skin, and her smile broadened, mirroring the joy that erupted within her heart, pulsating with newfound vitality.

With the grace of a flowing river, she glided toward the mysterious stranger, her steps guided by an invisible force. Her eyes delved deep into his, as if peering into the very essence of her soul's companion – the home where she would reside for the rest of her life. In that moment, Damayanti recognized her champion, destined king. Their union became an unspoken truth, interwoven by the threads of love and destiny. She began to tease her lover, for she knew the answer to each of her questions

"Who are you? The most beautiful one!

Who are you? Who has awakened all of my love?

You're no thief, nor a foolish spy.

The stern mandate of the king won't let you in unseen.

Who are you? Speak the words to your queen, the most beautiful one"

Damayanti inquired with a smile, eagerly awaiting the words she had longed to hear. The two peerless stood in front of each other, waiting to begin the life of love they’ve been longing for.

"I am the messenger, blessed by a divine boon.