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Meanwhile, in the realms beyond mortal men and materials, a messenger proclaimed the news with resounding voice to his audience of 4 celestial lords:

“There’s Peace on Earth!

They’ve given up their swords

Quarrels don’t matter much

When that Lady is looking for her Lord.

The mighty Kings assemble with their great armies

Not of swords and lances but of tributes and wits

lined outside her palace, their egos ceased

to fight a battle, to win the highest reward there is

In this battle,

There is no death and destruction

There’s Peace on Earth

Damayanti is the reason”

Amidst the celestial planes, Lord Indra, the king among gods, brandishing thunderstorms and a playful reputation5 , deployed his omnipotence to steal a glimpse of this enigmatic princess. Just by the message that was relayed, the 4 Celestial Lords were enamoured and after a short glimpse at her sight, they were lovestruck and held a very strong desire. Their minds aflame with attraction and curiosity, they indulged themselves in the admiration of the beautiful princess. The quartet soon decided to descended from the heavens, and mingle among mortals, eager to compete for the reward so exquisite and opulent, even for their kind. Arriving at the crossroads, the final turn before the gates of their destiny, the four prepared for the grand event.

5 – Implying from several tales of Indra from Mahabharat

Meanwhile, bathed in the resplendent hues of the bright morning sun, Nal approached the same crossroads. In the distance, a shimmer of golden light caught his attention, captivating his weary gaze. Guided by curiosity, he ventured closer, drawn to the radiant source. As he neared, four ethereal silhouettes materialized from the luminous brilliance. Recognizing their distinctive features, the prince humbly bowed, his hands folded in reverence, and greeted the familiar beings with his honest and heartfelt words,

"I stand before you as your devoted servant. How may I serve you?

Your presence evokes a sense of divinity.