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“Could you switch anger for mercy? By the way, I’ve scoured almost every bar in town looking for your dear brother,” Jack said nervously and with obvious exaggeration , pushing car keys into Sabrina’s hand. “Here, hold onto these while I drag your brother to a more convenient place for him to come to his senses.”

“Yeah, I have to give Jack credit, If it weren’t for him, Eric would be spending the night who knows where and who knows how this would have ended,” that’s all Sabrina could think, and slowly she headed to the kitchen where Jack was trying to at least slightly sober up the drunken youth who was already snoring loudly on the floor.

“Well, what can I say? Your little brother broke all records for drinking in some insanely extreme competition with himself. The desperate psycho,” Jack said with a laugh and, lifting Eric by the arms, attempted to put him on his feet. “ You know, it’s a good thing you moved down from the second floor to here. At least I won’t have to drag this drunken monster upstairs.”

“It’s up to you,” Sabrina muttered quietly to herself, watching as Jack effortlessly lifted Eric onto his shoulders, slung him over, and dragged his lifeless, alcohol-saturated body into the room.

Sabrina stood silently in the kitchen, watching the light, semi-transparent rays of the rising sun play outside the window. In her dark blue eyes, you could read nothing but a sense of mad exhaustion and complete emptiness. The last two months at work had been a nightmare, as the massive influx of tourists had required her to work double shifts. Summer in New Orleans had been hot and filled with various festivals and celebrations, attracting a considerable number of onlookers and adventure enthusiasts to the city. By the end of August, the stream of tourists flooding New Orleans throughout the summer had finally begun to dissipate, indicating the imminent arrival of autumn and the beginning of classes at the university. This meant that she would again face sleepless nights over books, notes, and other joys of student life. And, of course, work, her irresponsible brother, and other delights associated with his penchant for a wild lifestyle and various escapades. She felt completely drained and shattered.