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Veronika Grossman

Escort For The Witch


To my dear family – for constant support, faith and love.

To my Dear Mommy – for the endless warmth and light that you give.

To my Dad – for a kind heart and a strong shoulder.

To my beloved daughters – for the happiness that you bring into my life daily.

To my sister – for always inspiring me with optimism and self-confidence.

To my true friends – for the fact that, no matter what, you are always there for me.

“Fearlessness is a more than ordinary strength of mind, which raises the soul above the troubles, disorders, and emotions which the prospect of great dangers are used to produce. And by this inward strength it is that heroes preserve themselves in a calm and quiet state, and enjoy a presence of mind and the free use of their reason in the midst of those terrible accidents that amaze and confound other people.”

François La Rochefoucauld

Chapter 1

So it all happened…

Sabrina woke up in a strange daze. “What’s that noise?” echoed quickly in the depths of her foggy consciousness. Rising abruptly from the bed, the girl absentmindedly brushed her hair from her forehead and, trying to shake off the heavy sleep, glanced out the wide-open window. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just the dim light of a street lamp desperately trying to penetrate the gloomy haze. Another crash in the depths of the hall finally dispelled the remnants of her sleep and brought the girl back to the cold reality.

“Eric!” she exclaimed tiredly. “I’ll kill you! Four in the morning! Why the hell aren’t you sleeping? ” With a careless gesture, Sabrina threw a robe over her shoulders and briskly headed for the hall, trying to make herself look as menacing as possible, while trying to remember where she had hidden the baseball bat. She stepped into the hall and instantly froze, noticing in the far corner a rather intoxicated-looking young man. The guy was squatting, clutching his head in his hands, and groaning loudly and mournfully.

“Eric, you’re at it again,” the girl said dolefully as she sat down next to the the young man’s almost immobilized body .