Dark Idol Tarot. Таро темных историй

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Dark Idol Tarot. Таро темных историй
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"Rebel Tarot" - a deck filled with the charm of rebels. It speaks to your inner freedom, to the deep archetypes that we read in images of popular culture (from the girl from a strange family to the boy who survived). Sabrina Adams, a tarologist and dark esoteric, has preserved the structure of the classic Waite system and enriched the symbolism of the Tarot with cultural references to heroes of movies, TV shows, and books, to those who do not fit into norms and do not change themselves. The cards speak with bright, familiar images, new archetypes. The reinterpreted symbolism will help you get accurate answers from the cards about your personal future, about what you can change, and how to use your gift. The set includes a full guide that describes the symbolism of the cards, the principles of working with the deck, and provides examples of some layouts. Connect with your inner gift and break the chains of stereotypes! The publisher's layout is saved in PDF A4 format.

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