Аргонавты Времени

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Herbert Wells, an English prose writer, is one of the founders of science fiction, the author of around two hundred books, whose inventions, ideas, observations, predictions, warnings, and enlightening efforts have changed the consciousness of people in the twentieth century. In addition to his famous novels, the titles and images of which have firmly entered the linguistic and cultural everyday life of humanity, Wells also created nearly a hundred short stories marked by inexhaustible imagination, a wide range of thematic repertoire, and consistently engaging plots. This collection includes iconic examples of the writer's short prose: here is an early novel anticipating the collisions of "The Time Machine" and "The Invisible Man," witty observations of the characters and manners of the English, stories about the creative struggles of an artist, ironic mysteries, a dark study of delayed revenge, a burlesque from the life of an aviation pioneer, an anti-utopian novella about the distant future, and, of course, fantastic stories about the mysterious and unexplainable.

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