Перелёт в одном плейлисте - Данил Александрович Мыслимов

В нашей электронной библиотеке можно онлайн читать полностью бесплатно, книгу Перелёт в одном плейлисте - Данил Александрович Мыслимов
Перелёт в одном плейлисте
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"Flight in one playlist" is a psychological story about a young artist who is overwhelmed not only by creative torments, but also by an endless obsession with chasing the once met ideal. The main character, Elle, spends his days searching for a mythical connection through randomly selected playlists during numerous flights. This manic need for understanding and acceptance leads him to sessions with a psychologist, who, despite his selfish motivation, becomes an unexpected ally in solving the puzzle of Elle's life. The story delves deeply into the exploration of self-deception and the boundaries between reality and imagination, where each flight and each melody seem to be a step towards unraveling the universe's plan regarding him.

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