Вкус. Кулинарные мемуары - Стэнли Туччи
- Просмотров: 14
- Автор: Стэнли Туччи
- Дата выхода: 27 марта 2024
- Объем: 233 стр. 6 иллюстраций
- Возраст: 16+
- isbn: 978-5-00131-542-1
- Жанр: Автобиографическая проза, Биографии и мемуары, Гастрономия, Гурманам, Домашняя кухня, Зарубежная публицистика, Знаменитые актеры, Знаменитые драматурги и режиссеры, Кинематограф / театр, Кулинария, Кулинарные рецепты, Мастера кулинарии, Размышления о жизни, Удивительные истории, Художественно-документальная литература
Стили Туччи grew up in an Italo-American family that paid great attention to food and gathered around the kitchen table every evening. In this book, he not only shares a variety of recipes, but also tells amazing stories related to them.
"Taste" is a reflection on life and food, interspersed with the actor's stories about his childhood in the USA and current life in Britain; about working on films like "Big Night," "Julie & Julia," and the documentary series "Searching for Italy"; about love, family, and caring for children. Every step of this gastronomic journey - through simple and difficult times, through dinners in the best restaurants and burnt lunches - touches and grips the soul.
Written with incomparable humor and self-irony, this book will appeal to anyone who appreciates homemade food.