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2 – ‘Vindya’ is the mountain range situated in central India

Strangers In A Strange Land

“Turn back the clock, until it turns no more,

Open the gates wide, let the sunshine galore,

The vibrant hues of yesteryear kind,

The colours will bring solace to your troubled mind.

Strange were the days, the world a mystifying place,

Yet soon, it would feel similar, unveiling a familiar face,

The names, the customs, and the ways, they remain,

In shadows, the same vices linger, forever’s their domain.

The lands, back then, were a fruitful sight to behold,

Not just for fauna and flora's bloom, but the civilizations untold,

When virtue claimed its reign,

As Vices sneaked unseen, tightening their grip on forever's domain.”

The Vindhyas still stood, bowing in reverence to the Himalayas as they do today. They served as a natural boundary between the two kingdoms that ruled the lands to the north and the south. The amicable kings governed their countries with benevolent hearts and were loved by their countrymen. Both kingdoms were soon blessed with boons. Little did the two aging kings know that these two would be the two halves of a perfect soul in the years to come.

The world celebrated the downpour of benign golden sunrays on the day the princess was born to the king in the south. Bathed in golden radiance that illuminated the skies as far as the eye could see, the princess was endowed with every virtue as she grew from a child of nature to a proud mother's daughter. She embodied all that was beautiful. Like an ever-blooming lotus of a celestial orchid, her grace even envied the gentle winds. Her scent, like the fragrance of flowers, traveled for miles, enchanting every living being that breathed in her essence. The moon and stars seemed to have befriended her, as three of them took turns illuminating the night skies. Happily living among her maidens and friends, the princess was an ever-blooming flower in an orchid with jasmine, daisies, and all that is good. Damayanti, true to the essence of her name3 , embodied calmness and serenity.