Читать книгу 30 Must-Read Books for Psychologists онлайн
2. __________ is the tendency to attribute positive outcomes to internal factors and negative outcomes to external factors when explaining our own behavior.
3. __________ is a state of discomfort that people experience when they hold two or more contradictory beliefs.
4. Discrimination is a __________ that involves treating someone negatively based on their perceived membership in a category.
5. __________ is the tendency to change one’s behavior or beliefs in order to fit in with a group.
6. __________ is the suppression of opinions that differ from the majority view within a group.
7. Aronson’s book covers the __________ of social psychology, from attribution theory to aggression.
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Philip Zimbardo (2007)
Key Ideas:
Evil is not a fixed trait but a fluid state
Situational factors play a powerful role in shaping behavior.
Good people can be easily swayed to commit evil acts.
The path to evil is often paved with good intentions.
It is important to be aware of the situational factors that can lead to evil behavior.
Promoting ethical conduct in institutions is crucial.
Individuals have a responsibility to resist evil.
Zimbardo argues that the key to preventing evil is to create social and institutional conditions that promote ethical behavior and to empower individuals to resist situational pressures that may lead them to act immorally.
Best Quotes:
«Evil is an extreme but understandable reaction to situations that make it psychologically difficult to resist antisocial behaviors.»
«The greatest danger is that when we see evil, we comfort ourselves with the thought that we are not that kind of person. But it is a false comfort.»
«The path to evil is paved with good intentions.»
Some critics argue that Zimbardo oversimplifies the causes of evil and ignores individual responsibility.
Others question the ethical implications of the Stanford Prison Experiment, which formed the basis for the book’s findings.