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December, 31st.

I slept well and just looked out the window for an hour and a half. We went outside, and there was snow.. It was very unexpected. Some kind of magic. It was a great day, we were given our phones and I called my family all the time. And I also sewed a couple of secret pockets in the form, for the future. So that you can secretly carry your phone with you. We are waiting for the new year…

They started preparing for the holiday. They carried tables, chairs, and set the table. The second platoon was dumb as always, but we tried. I cut up the whole sausage and a lot of other small things. I didn't want to eat on New Year's Eve itself, there were a couple of contests and skits. We went to the fireworks and went to bed at one o'clock in the morning.

There is a depressive mood in the army on New Year's Eve, you realize that you are losing your life here..

January 1st.

At 5:30, I was awake as usual. We got up at 9. We got up, washed, dressed and started eating everything that was left. I was standing next to a bucket of chicken, it was 7 liters. I ate 5 chicken legs, and then climbed into the same bucket with olivier salad and herring under a fur coat and greedily ate it all. Top with 3 mugs of coffee and a bunch of cookies and other sweets. Coffee in the army is a rarity, especially for the first half of the year. It is so unusual to drink coffee and watch TV carelessly while in the army.. Well, that's how my new year in the army went.

January 2.

I got up in the morning with a stomach ache. It's normal after a day of overeating. After I got out of bed, it suddenly darkened in my eyes so much that I was blind for about 5 seconds. Soon everything passed and I went to have breakfast. I had a little snack and went to the barracks. It was bad. I had stomach aches, chills and weakness. And then suddenly a doctor came and asked if we had any complaints. I didn't want to talk right away, but suddenly it went dark in the ranks again and there was a noise in my ears. I said I was sick. The doctor gave me a thermometer to take my temperature. It turned out to be 38.4. He gave me a thermometer in my mouth, it showed 36.6. He said that I might have been worried, so he showed the thermometer. And it's safer in the mouth. They gave me pills and told me not to eat anything, just to drink boiling water. The doctor arrived in the evening. There was no fever, but there was a fever. She sent me to bed early. It's 21:20, evening verification is underway, and I'm writing this text and going to bed.