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I need to remember what I’ve always wanted to try in my life. Oh, I remember, grilled lobster! Surely, when else will I have the chance to indulge in such a delicacy? But how can I imagine it? I don’t even know what it looks like, let alone its taste. What a dilemma! It’s frustrating; I should have read more about them. But who knew such an opportunity would arise? If only I had known, I would have compiled a list. Although, even that wouldn’t help in these conditions. Here, you need to know for sure, from the smell to each individual ingredient. But I won’t say no to some fried potatoes, with herring and a lightly salted cucumber. That taste, it’s like coming home. My taste receptors know it in such fine detail that they can imagine the degree of crispiness of the potatoes and the level of saltiness of the herring, recall the scent of dill in the cucumber brine. Anyone would salivate at such thoughts, but in my case, it might just knock me out.
Надо вспомнить, что я хотел попробовать всю жизнь. О вспомнил, жареного лангуста, вот уж точно когда еще приведется таким лакомством угоститься. Как же его представить, я ведь совсем не знаю как он выглядит тем более какой у него вкус. Да проблемка вышла, обидно, надо было больше читать про них, но кто же знал что такая возможность выпадет, эх если бы знал такой список бы составил, хотя и это не поможет в таких условиях, тут нужно знать наверняка, от запаха до каждого ингредиента в отдельности. От жареной картошечки уж точна сейчас не откажусь, с селедочкой и малосольным огурчиком, вот этот самый вкус, родной, мои вкусовые рецепторы знают его в таких мельчайших подробностях, что могут представить степень прожарки картофеля и уровень солености сельди, вспомнить аромат укропа в огуречном рассоле. У кого угодно слюнки потекут от таких представлений, а в моем случае так в обмороке можно остаться.
What do we have here, is dinner ready? I leaned over to the backpack, something was definitely there, there was no doubt about it. But the packaging amazed me. The container resembled a pull-out nightstand with two drawers, lined with blue fabric and something like foam on the sides. In the first drawer lay my crispy, aromatic fried potatoes, my beloved comfort food. When we were given this instead of the tiresome porridge at the shelter, it was a celebration. On such days, all the punished and mischievous would gather in the kitchen, sit in a circle, place a large basin of water for peeled potatoes in the center, and each would have a bucket with small knives for peeling. A couple of times, I ended up at such an event, and for me, it didn’t seem like a real punishment at all. What’s so difficult about sitting in a circle of kids, chatting about nonsense, and retelling the same worn-out stories? Then, the peeled potatoes were rinsed again under a steady stream of water and poured into the food processor, from which came out evenly sized chunks, right onto the huge skillet. The sound of sizzling oil, so appetizing, creating anticipation for the desired and expected taste, as if you could already sense it on the tip of your tongue.