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“Good! Great!” exactly what we need. “He improved them to make just perfect,” he said approvingly.
Snap! And the chain shot sending the claw deep into a log of wood on the ground near us. Then Yoos made an intangible movement and the blade slipped out of the wood that had been holding it so tightly a second ago.
Yoos stepped away to the training area center and the chains spun around him producing various shapes and combinations of these in the air. They were wriggling obediently as if being just part of his body. And Yoos resembled an octopus with long moving tentacles.
The whole squad, me included, was following that show in an ecstatic daze. Of course, the youngsters adored him because the commander was an expert in this military art, and no single cart had ever been sacked while he was on duty through all the years he had been serving! He was feared and respected by all – the guards, the local residents and – oddly enough – even robbers.
Having played a little more with the chains, Yoos came up to me. “Well, fine, now put them in your bag. We will learn in a safer way, both for you and for the rest.”
I automatically stuffed the weapon into my bag, and then, bewildered, looked at him. All the hopes I would be allowed some show-off time with the blades in my hands, melted away immediately.
“Nort!” Yoos shouted so that I jumped up. “Bring me two whips from the stables, a couple of those we use for the horses.
One of the guys rushed to the buildings nearby.
“Whips? What the hell do I do with whips?!” I was indignant.
“I still believe I may need you alive,” the warrior gave me a wink. “You will have to learn how to manage with a usual whip first, and then we go to your claws.”
I did not even try to argue being perfectly aware that he was right.
At that moment, Nort was already approaching us with two whips in his hand. I could see the guy was out of breath, which was the effect of his hurry carrying out the assignment. Yes, Yoos could impose iron discipline on people.